Flux Utils is a set of basic utility classes to help get you started with Flux. These base classes are a solid foundation for a simple Flux application, but they are not a feature-complete framework that will handle all use cases. There are many other great Flux frameworks out there if these utilities do not fulfill your needs.
There are four main classes exposed in Flux Utils:
These base classes can be imported from flux/utils
like this:
There are some best practices we try to follow when using these classes:
not set-page-id
)constructor(dispatcher: Dispatcher) Constructs and registers an instance of this store with the given dispatcher.
addListener(callback: Function): {remove: Function}
Adds a listener to the store, when the store changes the given callback will be called. A token is returned that can be used to remove the listener. Calling the remove()
function on the returned token will remove the listener.
getDispatcher(): Dispatcher Returns the dispatcher this store is registered with.
getDispatchToken(): DispatchToken
Returns the dispatch token that the dispatcher recognizes this store by. Can be used to waitFor()
this store.
hasChanged(): boolean Ask if a store has changed during the current dispatch. Can only be invoked while dispatching. This can be used for constructing derived stores that depend on data from other stores.
__emitChange(): void
Emit an event notifying all listeners that this store has changed. This can only be invoked when dispatching. Changes are de-duplicated and resolved at the end of this store's __onDispatch
__onDispatch(payload: Object): void Subclasses must override this method. This is how the store receives actions from the dispatcher. All state mutation logic must be done during this method.
extends Store This class extends the base Store.
getState(): T Getter that exposes the entire state of this store. If your state is not immutable you should override this and not expose state directly.
getInitialState(): T Constructs the initial state for this store. This is called once during construction of the store.
reduce(state: T, action: Object): T Reduces the current state, and an action to the new state of this store. All subclasses must implement this method. This method should be pure and have no side-effects.
areEqual(one: T, two: T): boolean Checks if two versions of state are the same. You do not need to override this if your state is immutable.
Doesn't need to emit a change
Note that any store that extends ReduceStore
does not need to manually emit changes in reduce()
(you still can if you want to though). The state is compared before and after each dispatch and changes are emitted automatically. If you need to control this behavior (perhaps because your state is mutable) override areEqual()
extends ReduceStore<Immutable.Map<K, V>> This class extends ReduceStore and defines the state as an immutable map.
at(key: K): V Access the value at the given key. throws an error if the key does not exist in the cache.
has(key: K): boolean Check if the cache has a particular key
get(key: K): ?V Get the value of a particular key. Returns undefined if the key does not exist in the cache.
getAll(keys: Iterable<K>, prev: ?Immutable.Map<K, V>): Immutable.Map<K, V> Gets an array of keys and puts the values in a map if they exist, it allows providing a previous result to update instead of generating a new map. Providing a previous result allows the possibility of keeping the same reference if the keys did not change.
and calculateState()
.Additional options may be provided when creating your container in order to control certain behaviors.
containers are pure
By default containers are pure, meaning they will not re-render when their props and state do not change (as determined by shallowEquals()
). To disable this behavior pass options {pure: false}
as the second argument to create()
containers cannot access props
By default containers are not able to access any props. This is both for performance reasons, and to ensure that containers are re-usable and props do not have to be threaded throughout a component tree. There are some valid situations in which you need to determine your state based on both props and a store's state. In those situations pass options {withProps: true}
as the second argument to create()
. This will expose the components props as the second argument to calculateState()
If you are unable to utilize react classes most of this functionality is also mirrored in a mixin. import {Mixin} from 'flux/utils';